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Field facilities Services and the management thereof is a newly established business stream under the MECHEM Business Unit. MECHEM gained vast experience in this field during our demining operations, as most of our teams in the field were self-sufficient in both camp management and security. MECHEM expanded its presence in Somalia, providing vital life support services to the United Nations-led initiatives to broker peace and build democracy in the strife-torn East African country.

Since 2009 MECHEM has been actively involved in Somalia by providing camp management and security services to United Nations Mine Action Services (UNMAS) in Mogadishu. During 2011 and 2012, these services were extended to also include United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Support of AMISOM (UNSOA).

Current Client Base

MECHEM’s current client base in Somalia is the following:

  • UNOPS, responsible for infrastructure and peace-building including mine action services;
  • UNSOA/UNSOS which delivers logistical support to the African Union Mission;
  • UNDP, coordinating rural development and poverty reduction programmes;
  • International Organisation for Migration (IOM) aiming to decrease the pressure created by migrants and refugees.
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) who urge investment in food sectors; and
  • UAE Embassy Mogadishu.
  • The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), as an integral section within the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) who supports the implementation of UNISFA’s mandate in Abyei and the deployment of the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism (JBVMM) along the disputed border between the Republic of Sudan and South Sudan.

MECHEM's Field Facilities Services include

  • Field Hospitals and Supplies
  • Mobile/ Field Kitchens
  • Different levels of Field Accommodation
  • Camp Management - Maintenance/ Essential Services
  • Catering, Cleaning and Laundry
  • Construction
  • Maintenance and Repair of vehicles/ Technical Field Services
  • Water Supply
  • UAV Services
  • Security Services
  • Aviation Services

MECHEM is striving to provide comprehensive, professional services to organisations that are conducting operations in remote or hostile environments where life support services are not readily available.

Field Facility Services: Past and Current Contracts

Ser Country Project Name & Description Year Donor Parties
1 Somalia Provision of Camp Management and Security Services in Mogadishu. 2009-2014 UNOPS
2 Somalia Provision of Camp Management Services in Mogadishu and Garowe. 2011-2014 UNDP
3 Somalia Provision of Camp Management and Security Services in Mogadishu. 2012-2015 UNSOA
4 Somalia Provision of Camp Management and Security Services in Kismaayo and Baidoa, Somalia. 2012-2014 UNOPS
5 Somalia Provision of Compound Management Services in Mogadishu. 2014-2015 UNDP
6 Somalia Provision of Camp Management and Associated Services for UNMAS Somalia (Mogadishu, Kismaayo, Baidoa, Beledweyne) 2014-2017 UNOPS
7 Somalia Rehabilitation of Laboratory in the Ministry of Livestock, Forestry and Range, Mogadishu (Construction) 2015 FAO
8 Somalia Civil and Electrical Works at FAO Mogadishu Office and Guesthouse. 2015 FAO
9 Somalia Construction of Prefabricated Facilities at the Mogadishu International Airport (MIA) 2015 IOM
10 Abyei (Sudan/South Sudan) Provision of Construction Material in Abyei. 2015 UNISFA
11 Abyei (Sudan/South Sudan) Install Prefabricated Containers in Abyei and Gok-Machar 2015 UNISFA
5 Somalia Provision of Compound Management Services in Mogadishu. 2015-2016 UNDP
12 Somalia Provision of Small Scale Catering Events in Mogadishu 2015-2016 UNSOS
13 Somalia Provision of Meals to Somali Police Trainees in Kismaayo and Baidoa 2015-2016 UNOPS
14 Somalia Provision of Small Services (Catering, Cleaning, Laundry, Facility Maintenance) in Mogadishu 2016 UNOPS
13 Abyei (Sudan/South Sudan) Provision of Specialised Workers for Camp Expansion. 2016 UNISFA
14 Somalia Provision of Field Facilities Services at 4 Camps in Mogadishu 2016-2017 AUE Embassy Mogadishu
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+27 12 620 9111
368 Selborne Ave, Lyttelton, Centurion, 0140, South Africa
P.O. Box 14864, Lyttelton, 0140, South Africa

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